Like your auctions slow and steady, but with a hint of bidding excitement? Here’s a great opportunity to bid on unique gift items, sheep supplies, fiber arts equipment and more while supporting the many activities and projects of your cooperative!
Want to donate to the Silent Auction? You can by bringing your donated items to the Silent Auction staff volunteers in the Activity Center by 9:00 a.m. Saturday, where you’ll receive a receipt for your donation. The Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Co-op acknowledges with great appreciation the many Country Store and other vendors and contributors who have supported these fund raising efforts for over two decades. Thank you for your support!
(MAP) Sale Arena
The Shepherd’s Auction will be showcased in a silent auction format for 2022 and will feature items that every shepherd can use in the barn and their home. Grab a pen and get ready to bid! Bid often and support the youth and education activities sponsored by the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative.
To Donate to the Shepherd’s Auction
Fill out donation form and submit OR bring donated items to
the Activity Center by 9:00 am Saturday, September 10.
Contact Eric Meudt at 608-921-2933 or [email protected].
No pharmaceuticals, vaccines, dewormers, insecticides, paints, herbicides or chemicals.