Sheep to Shawl Competition
Teams of up to 8 members demonstrate the process of creating a shawl, from fleece to woven fabric, using traditional methods and equipment. This will include preparing the fleece, spinning the singles, plying the yarn, and weaving a shawl in a four and one-half (4.5) hour time limit.
Teams provide their own fleece. There is no breed requirement. The fleece may be washed and or dyed, but no further processing, including picking, is permitted prior to the competition. Warp and weft yarn must be 100% sheep wool. Weft wool will be prepared for spinning during the contest by teasing, flicking, hand carding, hand combing, or using a (non-electric) drum carder.

Competition Schedule
(Only registered team members may assist with team set-up)
1st Shift - 11:00 – 11:30 am
2nd Shift - 11:30 – 12:00 pm
(time is approximate)
1st place $300 – Clemes & Clemes
2nd place $200 – Hidden Valley Farm & Woolen Mill
3rd place $100 – Sutter’s Gold ‘n Fleece
People’s Choice $100 – Brenda Rahn
Rules and Information:
- Competition will begin at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 1:30 p.m. There will be a mandatory 30-minute lunch break taken by each team. Shawls not submitted within the competition time frame will not be eligible for judging.
- The handwoven shawl must be a minimum of 19” wide and 72” long off loom, excluding fringe. No electric fringe twister allowed. Design, color and patterns to be at the discretion of team and weaving guidelines.
- Loom must be manually operated, can use no more than 4 harnesses, and sett must be a minimum of 8 EPI. Loom is to arrive at the competition warped with wool yarn and tied on only, no header woven.
- Warp can be commercial or handspun, natural colored or hand-dyed, but must be 100% wool. Extra points will be awarded for handspun warp. (See Scoring)
- Weft fiber will be provided by each team and may be of any breed. It can be washed and dyed, but must NOT be picked, prior to the competition. Weft fiber can be teased, flicked, hand carded, hand combed, and/or one non-electric drum carder per team can be used in weft fiber preparation during competition. No pickers are permitted. All yarns must be plied. Weft yarn can NOT exceed twice the size of the warp yarn. Any material may be used to weave the header, since the header is removed and not a part of the finished shawl.
- Teams should provide a copy of their weaving pattern draft to the judges. It is also recommended that a finished sample of the shawl fabric be available to the judges.
- No electric or battery-operated machinery for any of the processes is allowed. Teams are permitted to bring electric lamps and extension cords for extra lighting. Teams are responsible for taping extension cords to the floor for safety.
- Each Sheep-to-Shawl Team is to consist of not more than eight (8) people to fulfill the following roles: weaver, spinners, plyers, carders/fiber prep, go-fer, plus one person (who does not work on shawl) with the title of “Educational Liaison” whose sole job is to interact, communicate, and demonstrate information to the public. Any member of the team, except for the educational liaison, can exchange jobs with any other during the competition. All teams are required to have an education liaison even if the team is not full. Teams may list one alternate on the registration form in case a registered team member is unable to participate.
- The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival will provide two 8-foot tables and 8 chairs for each team. Teamsmay bring their own tables/chairs if preferred. Each team will have a space allocated of approximately 10x20’. All team participants and their equipment must remain inside this space.
- There is an 8 team limit.
- Scoring: Points will be awarded for spinning, weaving (technical), pattern design, overall quality, teamwork/display. The decision of the judges is final.
- Prizes: There will be prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place shawls. There will be an additional award for People’s Choice determined by spectator votes. Cash and ribbons will be awarded.
Questions about the Sheep to Shawl competition: Contact Deb Jones, email [email protected].
Questions about Registration/Bookeo: Contact [email protected]
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REGISTER NOWA new tab will open at BOOKEO, pick Sunday date for classse
(All registrations/payments are handled by BOOKEO.)
Entry fee: $10 per Individual.
Entry Deadline – August 15.